Thorin once again made astonishing remarks, targeting the Brazilian godfather FalleN.
Thorin once again made astonishing comments on his personal Twitter account, with the first tweet praising s1mple’s game performance. Afterwards, we started comparing s1mple with FalleN.
“s1mple bounced back to become one of the world’s elite players again and he isn’t even at peak form yet.”
“s1mple is on that Wilt shit where when they are in a category they’re not just number one but two, three, four etc. as well.
The worst number one year of s1mple’s career can go head-to-head with the best year of any other player’s career.”
Subsequently, Thorin changed his tone and began to criticize FalleN for being overestimated.
“Another reason FalleN is over-rated af. His best year was being ranked number two in the world by HLTV. The same HLTV which years later twice ranked s1mple number two.
s1mple was significantly better as a number two ranked player than FalleN in his best year.”
For Thorin’s sharp review, FalleN bluntly stated:
“Everyday I’ m in your thoughts. Pure love”
In fact, this is not the first time Thorin has said that about FalleN. In May last year, Thorin rated FalleN as the most overvalued player in CSGO history.
At that time, Thorin’s Twitter sparked ridicule from a group of professional players. The most intense tone is s1mple, which wrote below Thorin’s post: (FalleN) The most overestimated player in history? shut the fuck up! Thorin replied to s1mple, stating that some of the content he heard was fabricated by Richard Lewis (an esports journalist). s1mple immediately replied, telling Thorin that when he ends his career, he will tell Thorin what kind of clown he is.
At that time, the result of this public opinion was the almost one-sided support of Fallen in the CSGO community, including Bymas, RUSH, and Tarik, who all believed that Thorin’s words were untrue.
Unexpectedly, after a year, Thorin suddenly started using the same method again. But not surprisingly, the outcome of this development is consistent with last time, perhaps this is Thorin’s way of survival. After all, as an analyst, Major only predicts 4 results, which is difficult for the club to recognize. Thorin had to rely on some extraordinary means to obtain exposure.