HLTV announced the top 5 ranking of CSGO players in the first quarter of 2023. Vitality’s ZywOo is far ahead in this ranking with a Rating of 1.32. Ax1Le, s1mple, and sh1ro rank second, third, and fourth respectively, with Ratings of 1.23, 1.22, and 1.21, respectively. The fifth place is Brooky from the FaZe team, Rating 1.19.

With a sample size of 38 maps (against the top 20 teams), s1mple has become one of the best performing professional players in offline games since 2023.
Robin Kool | ropz-1.19Rating (32maps)
Russel Van Dulken | Twistzz-1.19 (32)
Nikola Kovač | NiKo-1.18 (27)
Dzhami Ali | Jame-1.18 (22)
Jakob Nygaard | jabbi-1.16 (29)
Benjamin Bremer | blameF-1.16 (21)