So far, who is the best AWPer in 2023? compiled five data rankings for all AWPers in the 2023 offline competition, including Rating, AWP kills per round, Total AWP kills, Success in opening duels, and Impact Rating. Snipers were rated based on their rankings, with the first place scoring 5 points, the second place scoring 4 points, the third place scoring 3 points, the fourth place scoring 2 points, and the fifth place scoring 1 point.
On the final list, sh1ro topped the list with 18 points, followed closely by ZywOo and s1mple, followed by Martinez and Regali in fourth and fifth place, respectively. Device ranked seventh, while Jame and m0NESY ranked ninth and tenth, respectively. The specific ranking is as follows:

1. ZywOo (Vitality) | 1.37
2. sh1ro (Cloud9) | 1.29
3. s1mple (NAVI) | 1.20
4. m0NESY (G2) | 1.17
5. device (Astralis) | 1.16
AWP Kills per Round:
1. nqz (00NATION) | 0.44
2. regali (Copenhagen Flames) | 0.43
3. sh1ro (Cloud9) | 0.43
4. hyped (BIG) | 0.42
5. m0NESY (G2) | 0.42
Total AWP kills:
1. sh1ro (Cloud9) | 322
2. degster (OG) | 301
3. zorte (FORZE) 295
4. hallzerk (Complexity) | 293
5. gxx (BNE) | 276
Success in opening duels:
1. Martinez (Movistar Riders) | 69.3%
2. sh1ro (Cloud9) | 67.9%
3. Jame (Outsiders) | 67.8%
4. syrsoN (BIG) | 66.3%
5. ZywOo (Vitality) | 65.7%
Impact rating:
1. ZywOo (Vitality) | 1.46
2. s1mple (NAVI) | 1.25
3. device (Astralis) | 1.23
4. sh1ro (Cloud9) | 1.21
5. regali (Copenhagen Flames) | 1.11
Overall score:
1.sh1ro (Cloud9) | 18
2. Zywoo (Vitality) | 11
3. s1mple (NAVI) | 7
4. Martinez (Movistar Riders) | 5
5. regali (Copenhagen Flames) | 5
6. nqz (00NATION) | 5
7. device (Astralis) | 4
8. degster (OG) | 4
9. Jame (Ousiders) | 3
10. m0NESY (G2) |3
11. zorte (FORZE) | 3
12. hallzerk (Complexity) | 2
13. syrsoN (BIG) | 2
14. gxx- (BNE) | 1