The Steam beta client has recently updated with a new Notes feature, allowing players to edit various information in Notes, and this semi transparent notebook will cover any game content. Some netizens have used this new feature to add crosshairs to the game’s AWP, and now blind sniping has become much easier.

Since CS1.6, players have tried various ways to create their own aiming stars, such as drawing a point on the screen or entering the console to select text and press ESC to exit. At this time, the text can be retained on the screen to simulate the effect of the aiming star.
Of course, even if the game’s target is simulated, there will still be no change in the accuracy of blind sniper, which means it is difficult for players to achieve pointing and hitting in actual combat. If you want to test the accuracy of blind sniper, players can try the command ‘weapon_debug_spread_show 1
‘. This is a cheating command that can only be used on a standalone or self built server. Before using it, you need to enable the cheating command: sv_cheats 1