According to HLTV statistics, Jonathan ‘EliGE’ Jablonowski holds the top spot for ‘longest active stints’, having played for Liquid for 3008 days as of the time of writing.

Håvard ‘rain’ Nygaard from FaZe Clan ranks second with 2705 days, while Erik ‘fl0m’ Flom, aged 30, has been with Mythic since August 2016 and currently holds the third spot with 2513 days.
It’s worth mentioning that 25-year-old Oleksandr ‘s1mple’ Kostyliev, who transferred from Liquid to Natus Vincere in 2016, has also been with the team for 2494 days, currently holding the fourth spot. The fifth spot is occupied by Romanian veteran Cătălin-Ionuț ‘BTN’ Stănescu of Nexus, aged 34.
EliGE is currently the holder of this record. According to previous reports, Liquid is considering replacing EliGE. If the rumors turn out to be true, the number of this record will soon come to a halt.