Since the release of CS2 beta, the community has been buzzing about which lucky player got access to the CS2 beta.
In March of this year, Valve officially released the CS2 beta. Since the release of the CS2 beta, the community has been buzzing about which lucky individual managed to get access to the CS2 testing opportunity. With only a small number of players having the chance to participate in CS2’s testing phase, over 95% of CSers missed out on the CS beta.

However, in June of this year, Valve made significant updates to CS2, including enhancements to Mirage and numerous new game features. What excited CSers even more was that Valve expanded the distribution of CS2 beta access. According to multiple sources, the number of CS2 beta players has increased by 1% compared to before.
On the Reddit forum, data analytics website Leetify released its own survey report, stating that the number of CS2 beta players has increased by 1% compared to March.
This data is based on all registered players of Leetify. Among the 290,000 registered users, 11,600 individuals have obtained access to the CS2 beta. Compared to the data from March this year, there has been a 1% increase in the number of CS2 beta players.
Currently, CS2 is still in its rigorous testing phase, with Mirage, in particular, experiencing numerous severe bugs. Looking back at Valve’s announcement to release the official version of CS2 this summer, it becomes evident that this task is quite challenging. The developers must work at an extraordinary pace to address the bugs and improve the testing progress of the CS2 beta version.
The slow progress of the CS2 beta phase has also affected tournament organizers. In April, ESL staff expressed cautious optimism, stating, “We (ESL) are currently maintaining a cautious but optimistic stance. ESL hopes that the professional competitive scene can still maintain sufficient competition. This is crucial for IEM Cologne, as historically, IEM Cologne has only crowned the world’s strongest teams.”