可曾记得让无数主播破防的彩虹桥?CS2版 Only Up! 上线!
你是否曾经在紧张激烈的枪战之余,渴望体验一场全新的冒险?CS2版《Only Up》为你带来了与众不同的挑战——一个以平台跳跃和空间探索为核心的创意地图。在这里,没有敌人、没有火拼,只有你与无尽的高空冒险。 CS2 Only Up
《Only Up (CS2 Edition)》灵感来源于经典的跳跃游戏《Only Up!》,并结合了CS2的全新引擎特性,让这一挑战更加刺激与真实。你的目标是通过精准的操作与敏锐的判断,一步步攀登至高处,探索那些平时无法触及的风景。准备好迎接这场既虐心又令人上瘾的旅程吧!
创作者: leander & lmtlss
创意工坊链接: 点击查看
- 逼真的物理效果
利用CS2全新引擎的优势,这张地图的物理与光影效果非常真实。每一次跳跃、每一个落脚点都经过精心设计,既充满挑战又公平合理。 - 丰富的场景变化
- 从城市楼顶到漂浮的云层,每一段路都有不同的主题与设计,带来视觉上的享受。
- 关卡充满创意,越往上攀登,挑战的难度越高。
- 高度自由的玩法
你可以选择多种路线完成攀爬,是否追求最快通关时间,完全取决于你的技巧和策略。 - 独特的音效与氛围
优雅的背景音乐与逼真的环境音效相得益彰,让你仿佛置身于一个与众不同的冒险世界。 - 多人互动
- “希望你赶紧删了这张地图,然后去找个心理医生,因为这地图简直就是坨屎!”
- “玩这张地图之前,我是有显示器的。”
订阅地址:Only Up (CS2 Edition)
快来证明你的跳跃技巧,成为攀登至高点的王者! 🎮
Setting the crosshair for AWP? Blindly sniping may become easier
The Steam beta client has recently updated with a new Notes feature, allowing players to edit various information in Notes, and this semi transparent notebook will cover any game content. Some netizens have used this new feature to add crosshairs to the game’s AWP, and now blind sniping has become much easier.
Since CS1.6, players have tried various ways to create their own aiming stars, such as drawing a point on the screen or entering the console to select text and press ESC to exit. At this time, the text can be retained on the screen to simulate the effect of the aiming star.
Of course, even if the game’s target is simulated, there will still be no change in the accuracy of blind sniper, which means it is difficult for players to achieve pointing and hitting in actual combat. If you want to test the accuracy of blind sniper, players can try the command ‘weapon_debug_spread_show 1
‘. This is a cheating command that can only be used on a standalone or self built server. Before using it, you need to enable the cheating command: sv_cheats 1