The IGL of NiP Aleksib was interviewed by the host during the EPL S17 match. In the interview, he mentioned that hampus may need longer rest time. This means that k0nfig may continue to play in the next series of games for NIP.

When asked how long hampus will be absent, Aleksib replied:

“I can say that it is a long time. It is obvious that hampus still needs to rest for a period of time. We don’t know how long it will be… I told him at the team meeting that if necessary, he should meet his needs for rest as much as possible. Once he has adjusted and is ready to return to the team, we will evaluate it then.”

At the end of January, hampus left the team for personal reasons. He said that he needed a period of rest. NiP also announced that k0nfig would take his place in various competitions during hampus’s departure

作者 csgo
